Sunday, March 7, 2010

pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice...

Right off the hop - I installed a site tracker, I really have no idea how it works, or even if. It seems to be able to tell me that the blog has been viewed, it will even tell me from where within a few hundred kilometers. (insert picture of guy with tongue sticking out and outstretched arm measuring something in the distance with his thumb).
So tomorrow I will try going back to work. It might be tough to wake up instead of trying to sleep in! I'm only going back for 4 hours a day all week then physio in the afternoons. I went into work on Saturday, just to boot up my computer and check things out. I had over 700 emails - good thing I had that out of office on, sheesh. Didn't have too much trouble sitting and moving around there for a couple hours, so hopefully there will be no trouble tomorrow. Supposedly they'll be getting me some ergonomic consultant in to get my office furniture fixed up, hopefully sooner than later. I'm giving 4-1 odds on later.
My back pain has reduced considerably in the last week. I've been working through my stretches regularily and they seem to be helping. My damn pulled muscle in upper back is still ticking me off, but that's getting better too. I even managed to get out of the house for a bit this weekend. Went to a pub, had lunch with some friends and drove around, not in that order. I thas been so nice out lately I feel pretty lucky to have been able to get out and enjoy it a little. It sure is a lot easer to have a positive outlook when the snow is melting.
There is nothing I can really do about my back hurting. I can do the stretches, rest properly, keep active properly, but nothing's going to make it better lickety-split. The pain is going to be there and there is always going to be pain of some kind. After my back gets better some other pain will come along. There is no reason for the suffering to contiue though, I know, I have done enough of that useless stuff lately. It doesn't get you anywhere, sometimes you have to suffer through things a little, its all part of the healing process, but at some point you got to kick it and get going. So that's what I'm going to do, we'll see how it works out. I'm going to try to get a good rest tonight and we'll see...

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