Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 week update...

Well it's been 4 days since I got out of the hospital. I went in on Feb 17th and spent 10 days there. Thanks to some very good family and friends who helped me get there and visited, the stay wasn't that bad. The first few days were not a lot of fun as I was moved around from one stretcher to another for all sorts of scans. It would take me a half hour of very slow and careful movement to get out of bed into a stretcher, or from the stretcher into a scanning machine. These transfers were the most painful experiences I've ever had, but they did get better. After the first switcheroo they decided to increase my med dosage.
On the first day I went into Emergency at City Hospital at 4:00 pm to meet with Dr.S. It didn't take him long to decide I would be staying there and he ordered a bunch of tests. After a couple hours in the ER I was admitted and in my room by 8:30 pm. The next morning they told me I would be going for a
bone scan. I had the first half of the scan done at noon and the second a few hours later. I was supposed to have my next scan, an MRI, the next day. Unfortunately the next day was a "hospital holiday" so I had to wait until Monday for the test. They were suspicious of infection however the 1st scan and blood tests came back negative and they hoped the MRI would show them something. In the meantime they ordered a Gallium scan and brought in another orthopedic doctor, this one with a specialization in backs, Dr W. He was pretty sure they would find an infection as well. In the end I got an ambulance ride for the MRI, several scans, and blood tests and they found no infection and ended up with no conclusive reason or the pain. By about day 5 my pain had reduced quite a bit and I was able to go for little walks down the hall with my walker going further and more often every day. Last Saturday, after a quick visit with a physiotherapist, I was released and sent home with directions to get physiotherapy.
I had a few additional adventures in getting into physiotherapy and have my second session tomorrow morning. I have been improving daily and even drove my car for the first time in a month today. I still don't know what caused my spasms or pain but Physio is pretty sure that I tore some of the scar tissue around my surgery. So things are going pretty good now, I'm shooting for a return to work on Monday, but have to see what physio says tomorrow morning...

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