Wednesday, March 31, 2010

back update...

Tuesday I had my follow up appointment from my hospital stay. I thought at the time of booking that it was odd that I had to go to back to the hospital for it. Got there at 8:30 am, was admitted given a wrist band and sent down the halls of City Hospital. The last time I was there I couldn’t find anyone who knew what the colored shapes hanging from the hallway ceilings were there for. The blue triangles mean follow these to the place they put casts on, that is assuming you are going from the front lobby. If you are starting anywhere else I’m pretty sure they will take you to the lobby. Not sure where the red squares or yellow circles take you. The place where they put casts on, in addition to putting casts on and removing them, is also the place you go when you’ve been in the hospital for 10 days 1 month ago and they didn’t know what was wrong with you. On my arrival there I was quickly told to follow the red squares to go get X-rays. I know you’re thinking, “Hey now we know where the red squares go too!” Not so fast. I got to the X-ray place by following the red squares alright, but they didn’t stop there, they kept going, and in more than one direction. So, yeah, I guess you could say they go to X-ray. Anyway, after a short wait at the X-ray desk, then one more outside the X-ray room, then some X-ray taking, I was sent back to the place they put casts on. They did give me some comfy pants to wear, the exact kind they told me they didn’t have when I was in there before. After a little wait outside the cast room, and another longer wait inside the cast room I saw Dr. W. He seemed a little confused as to why I was there when I wasn’t his patient. Sweet. These banana-heads not only couldn’t figure out what the heck was wrong, but they couldn’t agree on who the Doctor was. I was having doubts myself. We looked at the X-rays and asked and answered all the same questions. What I know for sure is I didn’t and don’t have discitis. Maybe I’m younger than I thought.
So it is keep up with the exercises and stretches and hopefully I won’t be going back again…

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