Saturday, February 13, 2010

the begining...

Why start a blog? Well, I guess the plan here is to communicate some goals, progress in achieving those goals and any other ramblings I may have to offer. In recent months I have had some pretty serious health issues - bad back - that have given me an inordinate amount of time to do nothing stare at the ceiling and think about "stuff". So this will be, randomly, a recap of past experiences, current thoughts and future plans. I don't plan to post these in any particular order, chronologically or topical, not in an effort to confuse, more of a stream of consciousness thing. Here goes...
Let's start with the name of the blog "what the morning brings", which you may recognize as a line from
The Tragically Hip song "Wheat Kings". There are a several reasons I chose this. To start with I just really like the song. It takes place in Saskatoon, and has a message maintaining your beliefs in the face of insurmountable odds. I hope to post an in depth discussion on the various messages and why I find them important in the future.

Over the course of many battles I've had with my back the phrase, "Lets see what the morning brings" has been both a frustrating and empowering theme. I'll get around to that one at some point too.
Right now I am taking on a new regiment of rest, relaxation and narcotics in an effort to beat back my most recent challenge with my spine. On November 17, 2009 I had my second discectomy, the first was in 2001. I thought I has recovered quite nicely from it until February 2, when my back went into some pretty severe spasms. This put me in my bed for a couple days, knocking back Percocet and Robax Platinum. I recovered well enough to return to work for a few days, then got hit with another round of spasms on February 9 and have been out of commission ever since.
I think my first batch of posts will be updating my progress and various adventures I come across, but who knows, I might just get off on a tangent at any time. And there will be plenty of food, recipe and restaurant related posts too!

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