Monday, May 17, 2010

Poor WestJet

Here is my WestJet Story…
About a week ago a friend and I went to Las Vegas. It was a great trip. Really the only problem I had was West Jet lost my bag on the return flight – oh, yeah, and I lost the Nathan’s Hot Dog bet. The lost baggage situation is always one that I have not understood, and my recent experience has not made it any clearer. It boggles my mind how you can manage to miscount, misdirect, mis-whatever screw something up with putting bags on a plane. They count, the stamp, they tag, they put you in the computer, you are processed up the wazoo and still…woops…for a brief moment the laws of mathematics cease to exist.
The below is the email communication I had with WestJet, please note all spelling mistakes in their responses are copied as sent, the ones in mine…that’s the computer’s fault. Also, some how the time a dating of the first message is wrong, again, the computer’s fault.

Sun May 09, 2010 02:15:40 GMT - Your Message (This is actually sent Sat, May 8 at about 6:00 pm)
Message responded by WestJet on Sun May 09, 2010 16:50:52
Well, West Jet, not only have you managed to lose my luggage on a 3 hour direct flight, you have entered my claim with my 4 letter last name misspelled. I have just spent over a half hour searching and re-searching for my claim because of this. It has been over 5 hours and I have not even heard a word from you. You do not know if I require any items from that bag, you do not know the purpose of my arrival here or have any idea of the inconvenience I am experiencing. The level of incompetence it requires for this situation to have occurred is truly remarkable. After this pathetic demonstration of customer service and failure to complete the simplest of tasks you can be assured that you have lost all creditability as a viable travel choice. I will be sure to communicate this to any and all people I can to help them avoid this same situation.
In case you have gotten any other, which I can only assume are minor details to you, incorrect, and I expect that you have, as you have not demonstrated abilities otherwise, I have included them below.
My name is XXXXXXXX, not XXXX.
My report code is LLLLLLLNNNNNNNN.
My claim check is NNNNNNNNNNN.
My phone number is 123-456-7890.

Sat night I received a phone call from a WestJet representative, claiming they were sorry they lost the bag, they would get it here as soon as possible, which would be Sunday afternoon, and the reason they took so long to let me know this was because their baggage office closed AS SOON AS THE FLIGHT GOT IN! An amazing fact, that certainly allows them to keep losing stuff while allowing for zero customer service in the event that they lose stuff. The rep seemed to think that the closed office would placate me and I would bid her a cheery evening.

Sun May 09, 2010 16:50:52 GMT - WestJet
bag just arrv off flt 464, called customer and we are ahving his bag delivered.
Thu May 13, 2010 16:09:05 GMT - Your Message
Message responded by WestJet on Thu May 13, 2010 17:33:40

I am more than a little insulted by a voice mail I received Saturday night claiming that this was my fault - as I had apparently checked in late. Please get your facts correct. I checked in at 9:30 am, not 10:30 am, more than ample time for processing of my checked bag. I checked in at the same time as my travelling companion and their bag managed to make it through on time. In fact there were several travelers on the same flight that checked in after us and they did not have any issues with their luggage. Your organization made an error. The failure to take responsibility, and in addition, attempt to assign your clear fault on myself further reduces my confidence in your services.
I am still awaiting correspondence regarding compensation promised at airport. Obviously this was just lip service paid to a wronged customer so that you could hide behind emails and voice mails rather than deal with issues in person.
Thu May 13, 2010 17:33:40 GMT - WestJet
I deeply sorry of any troubles this as caused you. This is not the way we do business at WestJet as we strive for a world class guest exprience and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.I have just set up a travel bank of $200.00 in your name for compensation.

Not a bad result, but what horrendous customer service. The lost bag, oh well, mistakes can happen, but the lack of explanation, timeliness of response, lack of professionalism and erroneous information is way below acceptable - certainly way below world class!